3 Categories Of People Who Should Consume More of dates – TrendyNewsReporters

3 Categories Of People Who Should Consume More of dates


Dates are fruits of date palm tree with sweet flavor which consist of lots of nutritional value. They are high in calories and carbohydrates, though (74 grams). There are a number of beneficial vitamins, minerals, and fibers in it that work together to lower your risk of developing conditions like diabetes and hypertension.

Dates tend to have the largest antioxidant content, making them helpful for your cardiac and pulmonary health, compared to other similar types of fruit, such as figs and dried plums.

Dates include flavonoids, which are antioxidants believed to lower inflammation and perhaps protect against diabetes, Alzheimer‘s disease, and some forms of cancer.

In this article I will briefly discuss the three categories of people who should consume more of dates according to Healthline.

1. People with diabetes

As a result of its low glycemic index, fiber content, and antioxidant properties, dates can be useful for people with diabetes in controlling their blood sugar levels. Additionally, dates aid in lowering the intestinal glucose absorption rate and boost insulin production. The possibility of developing diabetes can be lowered in this way.

Several different oral diabetic medications and insulin supplements are typically used to treat diabetes. Dates helps in lowering blood sugar and fat levels, according to the research.

2. People with heart problem

Eating a few dates per day can be good for your heart. Dates’ antioxidant capabilities aid in warding off atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular disease.

3. People with high blood pressure

According to the findings of numerous studies, taking a magnesium supplement of 370 milligrams can help lower blood pressure. When your blood pressure is too high, eating more magnesium-rich foods like dates will assist. It has been suggested that having dates in one’s diet on a regular basis will help lower cholesterol and aid in weight loss due to the lack of cholesterol and low fat content.

4. People with digestive Problem

Dates’ high fiber content helps maintain digestive health by reducing the risk of constipation and encouraging regular bowel movements by aiding in the production of stool.

The bowel movement frequency and regularity of 21 participants who ate 7 dates daily for 21 days was much higher than that of the same group when they weren’t eating dates.

Content created and supplied by: Glorace2412 (via Opera



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