3 Health Conditions That Affect Your Kidneys. – TrendyNewsReporters

3 Health Conditions That Affect Your Kidneys.


The kidneys’ job is to filter your blood. They eliminate wastes, regulate the body’s fluid balance, and keep the appropriate levels of electrolytes. All of the blood in your body moves through them about 40 times per day.

Once your kidneys get harmed, they stop performing the above-mentioned functions.

According to WebMD, health conditions that affect your kidney health are:

1. Diabetes

This leading trigger of kidney failure damages the organs’ small blood vessels and filters. That makes it tough for them to clean your blood. Your body holds on to more salt and water than it should, and there is more waste in your system. Nerve damage brought on by the disease can make urine back up and destroy your kidneys through pressure or infection.

2. Urine blockage

If you can’t pass out urine, that can be a sign that urine is backed up, and that can harm your kidneys. It can put pressure and result in infection in your kidneys and other parts of your body. An enlarged prostate, prostate cancer, kidney stones, bladder cancer, urinary tract blood clots, and colon cancer are some conditions that can lead to this. See your doctor if you are urinating much less or much more often than normal or if you see blood in your urine.

3. Blood Clots

Most conditions can make your blood clot, but a blood disorder is commonly linked to kidney disease. It leads to clots in tiny blood vessels that also can affect your brain and heart health. Symptoms that you may notice are fever, bleeding from your nose or gums, diarrhoea, chest pain, confusion, headache, bruising, and feeling very fatigued. It can be severe if it’s not early treated, so see a doctor if you experience any of these signs.

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