8 Nutrition Tips For Women That Are Above 50 Years. – TrendyNewsReporters

8 Nutrition Tips For Women That Are Above 50 Years.


Intake of nutritious food is good for a healthy weight, bone protection, and skin glowing, to mention a few.

According to WebMD, some of the nutrition tips for women that are more than 50 years are:

1. Boost calcium and vitamin D

This means three to four 8-ounce servings of low-fat dairy daily. If you are lactose-intolerant, consume hard cheese, yoghurt, or kefir; canned salmon, broccoli, and legumes. You can also opt for food or drinks, such as orange juice, that have the nutrients added in by the manufacturer.

If your doctor notices that you don’t get enough calcium in your diet, they may advise you to take supplements that have 1,000 to 1,500 milligrams of the nutrient.

2. Consume enough fruits, veggies, whole grains, and legumes. These will offer you enough disease-fighting antioxidants. Pay attention to variety every day, including vegetables in different colours.

3. Get enough fibre. Some good sources of fibre are legumes, whole wheat pasta, whole-grain cereals and bread, oatmeal, brown rice, popcorn and fresh fruits and veggies.

4. Take daily multivitamins. This will help fill any gaps in your nutrition picture. But ensure it’s tailored for your age group. When you are over 50 years, you require less iron than younger women.

5. Eat lean proteins. Opt for foods like skinless chicken, fatty fish like salmon (with omega-3 fats), and vegetable protein, including soy.

6. Enjoy a vegetarian meal a few times per week. Plant-based diets contain lots of advantages. They’re low in calories but a good source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

7. Curb the sweets. Lower your intake of sugary drinks and desserts and sweetened dairy products. They can be packed with calories and have little nutrition.

8. Choose fats wisely. Try to go for good fats which can be contained in olive oil, and some vegetable oils such as canola, as well as food like nuts and seeds, avocado and cold-water fish (salmon and tuna).

Content created and supplied by: Betatalkz (via Opera


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