5 Foods That Can Help You Prevent Wrinkles if consume regularly – TrendyNewsReporters

5 Foods That Can Help You Prevent Wrinkles if consume regularly


Our fitness, looks, quality of life, and risk of sickness can all be significantly impacted by the foods we eat as we age.

Numerous nutrients are necessary for our bodies to age gracefully. Some nutrients, such as those that support healthy skin, may aid in reducing the signs of aging.

Wrinkles are an undesirable but inevitable side effect of aging. The good news is that there are several things we can do to slow them down or prevent them from getting worse, one of which is to alter our nutrition. Among them is including the following foods in our diet according to Healthline:

1. Fatty Fish

A high-nutrient diet that supports healthy skin is one that includes fatty fish. Fish have large amounts of selenium. This mineral and antioxidant supports DNA synthesis and repair in addition to minimizing and preventing UV-induced skin damage.

If sufficient amounts are present in the body, skin conditions like psoriasis might be less severe. Omega-3 fatty acids have also been linked to a robust skin barrier and may aid in reducing inflammation that affects the skin, claims a study.

2. Vegetables

The bulk of vegetables are low in calories and high in nutrients. Many veggies are rich in carotenoids including lycopene and beta carotene. A diet high in carotenoids may shield the skin from the sun’s UV rays, which are the main cause of premature skin aging, according to some research.

Many plants are rich in vitamin C, a potent antioxidant. Collagen synthesis depends on vitamin C as well. The structure of the skin depends heavily on collagen, however beyond the age of 25, production of collagen begins to decline.

3. Flax seeds

There are numerous health advantages to flax seeds. They are also a good source of the omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). By keeping the skin membrane hydrated and supple, a diet high in omega-3 fatty acids supports the preservation of a healthy skin layer.

In high-quality experiments conducted between 2009 and 2011, women who consumed flax seeds or flax oil for 12 weeks showed increased hydration and smoother skin.

4. Avocados

Avocados are rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and heart-healthy fats that are essential for optimum health.

Their strong antioxidant concentration may aid in the battle against free radicals that harm and age the skin, while their high monounsaturated fat content may promote a healthy skin membrane.

5. Tomatoes

Due to their abundant lycopene content, tomatoes have a long range of health advantages. Studies on human skin samples suggest that lycopene may also offer a minimal level of protection from the sun’s damaging radiation.

However, compared to sunscreen, this amount of protection is significantly lower. Women who consumed an antioxidant-rich beverage daily for 15 weeks, including lycopene, soy isoflavones, fish oil, and vitamins C and E, had a discernible decrease in wrinkle depth.

Content created and supplied by: Knegus (via Opera


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