Can Sternum Pain Cause Heart Attack? – TrendyNewsReporters

Can Sternum Pain Cause Heart Attack?


Sternum pain can sometimes turn into a heart attack. This is much less likely for people under age 40 or are in overall good health. They’re more likely to occur in people over 40 and have an existing condition, like heart disease.

A heart attack is a life-threatening disease. You should visit the emergency room right away if you have any symptoms besides sternum pain that may be a sign of a heart attack, particularly if they comes without any obvious cause or if you’ve had experience a heart attack before.

So in this article in line with the publication on Healthline, we are going to have a look at some symptoms of a heart attack. Just sit comfortably and enjoy this article while learning something new today.

Is Sternum Pain A Heart Health?

1. Chest pain in the middle or left side of your chest

2. Pain or discomfort in your upper body, including your arms, shoulder, and jaw

3. Feeling dizzy or lightheaded

4. Having trouble breathing

5. Sweating

6. Nausea

The more of these symptoms you have, the more you stand a chance of having a heart attack.

Content created and supplied by: Olaniyi2255 (via Opera


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