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Causes of Liver Pain and Ways to Treat It Without Medication

According to Healthline – How to deal with heartburn without medication is important to know if you suddenly experience heartburn, which is an uncomfortable condition in the upper abdominal area. The cause of heartburn can be caused by taking excessive medication or food.

Before knowing how to deal with heartburn without medication, it is necessary to first understand what heartburn is, the causes of heartburn and why the heartburn hurts. Let’s understand now below!

What is Heartburn:

Heartburn is a pain or tenderness in the upper centre of the abdomen. It is usually accompanied by nausea, burning or bloating. Although heartburn is basically harmless, if it occurs frequently, it can be a sign of a serious health problem that needs to be treated.

Causes of Heartburn:

The most common cause of heartburn is caused by the rise of stomach acid into the oesophagus which causes belching, flatulence, nausea and vomiting, which can be the cause of heartburn.

In addition to stomach acid, the reason why the solar plexus hurts is also widely experienced after eating this is due to the function of the esophageal sphincter muscle which is the valve for food and drinks to go down the oesophagus. The esophageal sphincter valve will remain closed as long as there is no food and drink, but if the esophageal sphincter does not close properly, stomach acid can rise and cause heartburn.

Risk Factors for Heartburn

In addition to the causes of heartburn, there are also risk factors that can trigger the cause of heartburn. Let’s find out what are the factors that trigger heartburn.

Stomach ulcers:

One of the risk factors that can cause heartburn is a stomach ulcer that occurs when stomach acid rises into the oesophagus. Symptoms of gastric ulcers are as follows:


Nausea and vomiting

Easily full


Frequent belching.


Gallstones are problems that block the bile ducts. There are 2 types of gallstones namely:

Cholesterol stones which are the most common gallstones. These gallstones are yellowish in colour and contain cholesterol that cannot be digested.

Pigment stones differ from cholesterol stones in that they are dark brown and black in colour due to high bilirubin levels.

The symptoms of gallstones are nausea, decreased appetite, nausea and vomiting and these things can trigger heartburn so gallstones can also be the cause of heartburn.

Inflammation of the Stomach (Gastritis):

Gastritis is different from ulcers, as gastritis is caused by infection with the H. pylori bacteria and causes the stomach wall to erode. However, some of the symptoms of gastritis that fall under the term ulcer include abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, heartburn, heartburn, flatulence and a sour mouth.

Preeclampsia in Pregnant Women:

Heartburn during pregnancy is a common occurrence due to the stomach being compressed due to the growing foetus. However, it must be considered because if the solar plexus hurts too often it can be a sign of preeclampsia which is a complication of pregnancy. If not checked immediately, preeclampsia can be fatal for the mother and foetus.

Inflammation of the oesophagus:

Inflammation of the oesophagus or oesophagitis is a condition where the wall of the oesophagus is irritated. This inflammation can trigger heartburn because the cause of oesophagitis is stomach acid that rises into the oesophagus. The main symptom of inflammation of the oesophagus is heartburn.

Symptoms of Heartburn

When your solar plexus hurts, there are some common heartburn symptoms. Know the characteristics experienced during heartburn:


heat in the solar plexus



Decreased appetite

Vomiting blood

Black coloured stools during bowel movements


Feeling full quickly


Heartburn Treatment:

Treatment of heartburn can be done by taking medications. Here are some of the medications that can be taken to treat heartburn.


Antacids are stomach acid medications that neutralise excess stomach acid.

H – 2 – Receptor Antagonists (H2RAs):

H2RA drugs are also acid reflux medications, but they differ from antacids due to their slower rate of effect. However, H2RA drugs provide longer pain relief.

Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs)

PPI drugs like antacids and H2RAs are stomach acid drugs.

How to manage heartburn without medication:

Apart from using medication, heartburn can also be treated without the need to use drugs and just by doing a few things. Let’s find out 5 ways to deal with heartburn without medication below!

Do not lie down after eating

Even if you feel sleepy when you are full, avoid lying down after eating because it can cause heartburn or worsen the condition of heartburn. Instead of lying down, after eating take a short walk, wash the dishes or do other activities for 30 minutes. The period between eating and lying down is 2 hours after eating.

Wear loose-fitting clothes

Tight clothing such as belts can increase the risk of heartburn because it presses on the stomach. Use loose clothing or if you are outside can be loosened first.

Avoid Smoking Habits; Drinking Beverages; Containing Caffeine, Alcohol Consumption;

Some bad habits can cause heartburn or even worsen the condition of heartburn. Smoking, consuming caffeine or alcohol weakens the function of the esophageal sphincter muscle that prevents stomach acid from rising into the oesophagus, causing acid reflux.

When lying down, make sure the upper body position is higher:

By raising the position of the upper body 10 – 15 cm when lying down can prevent gastric acid reflux and prevent the cause of heartburn. This is because the additional height prevents stomach acid from rising into the oesophagus due to gravity.

Avoid Fatty Foods:

Cutting down on fatty foods can prevent heartburn. Eating too many fatty foods can aggravate heartburn such as heartburn, burning and heartburn. Eating too many fatty foods also increases the risk of developing gallstones.

This is an explanation of heartburn, heartburn treatment and how to deal with heartburn without medication. When your heartburn hurts, there are many things that can cause heartburn and risk factors that trigger these causes.

Since heartburn can occur at any time, make sure to do the above ways to prevent heartburn without medication.

Content created and supplied by: Trendyhealth (via Opera

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