Diabetes Kills Slowly, Avoid Eating These 5 Types Of Fruits To Reduce Your Risk Of Having it – TrendyNewsReporters

Diabetes Kills Slowly, Avoid Eating These 5 Types Of Fruits To Reduce Your Risk Of Having it


Diabetes is a condition that affects a large percentage of the global population today. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it is the second biggest cause of death among those aged 60 and older, and what’s more to it is that Diabetes kills slowly. According to WebMD, Diabetes is caused by an excess of sugar and low insulin in the blood. Anyone, regardless of age, gender, race, or socioeconomic status, could be affected.

The consumption of sugary foods and drinks is a major contributor to the onset of type 2 diabetes. However, there are a number of fruits, that have been shown to raise blood sugar levels and also increase diabetes risk, and in this article I will educate on the types of fruits to avoid eating to reduce your risk of having diabetes according to Healthline and MedicalNewsToday

1. Orange : people with diabetes should steer clear of oranges, because it contain liquids that can quickly increase blood sugar, they are an excellent source of sugar. Even if you have a soft spot for oranges your health should be your first priority therefore you should limit your intake if you want to keep diabetes at bay.

2. Watermelon : Diabetics tend to have higher blood sugar levels. As a fruit, watermelon is not ideal for those with diabetes. Although it is true that it includes several extremely important nutrients and vitamins, it is still among the list of fruits with a high glycemic index of roughly 72 and above, which makes it slightly undesirable for persons with Diabetes because it might raise blood sugar levels.

3. Pineapple : While most healthy people can benefit from eating pineapple, those with diabetes should avoid it at all costs, because it consist of sucrose and fructose. Pineapples are heavy in sugar, and people with diabetes who eat too many of them may see their condition deteriorate. Health experts recommend that people with diabetes eat no more than two slices of pineapple every day.

4. Ripe Bananas : It should be avoided by those with diabetes. In terms of impact on blood sugar levels, research have shown that bananas (with a glycemic index of 42-62) have essentially none. If you have diabetes, eating a lot of bananas, especially if they are overripe, might increase your blood sugar and make your condition worse.

5. Dried Dates : They are high in both sugar and calories. Excessive consumption has been linked to elevated blood sugar levels, which has been shown to increase the risk of developing diabetes.

Content created and supplied by: Glorace2412 (via Opera

World Health Organization


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