Excess Farting: How You Can Prevent This From Happening
Farting is a healthy bodily activity that happens when the body breaks down foods or things we consume. It is a normal digestive process but then, excess farting which is otherwise referred to as flatulence could be due to some problems or poor lifestyle choices in most cases.
If you are farting way more than normal, then you can take some steps to prevent this from happening. So in this article in line with a publication on Healthline, we are going to have a look at some ways you can prevent excess farting or flatulence. Just sit tight and enjoy this article while learning something new.
What Are The Ways Of Preventing Excess Farting Of Flatulence?
1. Try taking some probiotics – probiotics are healthful bacteria that helps promote healthy digestive tract. Some yogurt contains probiotics and as such, makes them perfectly suitable for the gut. If you take probiotics often, the chances of experiencing flatulence would be very low because a healthy digestive tract prevents flatulence.
2. Avoid taking soda, beer and some other carbonated beverages. The reason is that, the air bubbles in carbonated beverages are known for their ability to produce burps. Some of the air bubbles make their way through the digestive tract and leave the body though the rectum causing flatulence. So the more you take carbonated beverages, the higher your chances of farting.
3. Don’t chew gum often – people who chew gum often swallow more air than normal. This air being swallowed as one chews gum may end up getting into the digestive tract making you fart more than normal. So avoid chewing gum if you don’t want to fart more than normal because it can be quite embarrassing.
4. Eat more slowly – most of the gas in the body is swallowed air, in as much as it is impossible for one not to swallow some level of air while doing thing, you can reduce the amount you swallow. When you eat fast, you may end up swallowing much more air than when you eat slowly and mindfully. So make sure you eat slowly and be mindful of your choice of food, some foods that are hard for the digestive tract to break down may cause flatulence.
Content created and supplied by: ErickssonDGreat (via Opera
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