Health benefits of Broccoli on your brain – TrendyNewsReporters

Health benefits of Broccoli on your brain


Based on an article written by MedicalNewsToday, the brain ranks high on the list of the body’s largest and most complicated organs, with more than a hundred billion nerve cells (neurons) that interact via trillions of synapses (points of contact) to control the entire body, and without mincing words, every organ, cell, and tissue depend on the regulative and coordinative action of the brain to function optimally.

However, like every organ in the body that receives blood, oxygen, and nutrients through the blood vessels and can also be badly impacted by harmful substances or germs in the blood that enters their cells, the brain also experiences the same thing, and as a result, requires a lot of care and attention to keep it safe and free from developing problems that can impair its functions and impact the overall health of the body, but there is one vegetable called broccoli, which contains a high proportion of organic substances that have an amazing effect on the brain, and in this article, I will briefly educate you on the effect of broccoli on your brain.

According to Healthline, broccoli has many of its cells and tissues loaded with powerful antioxidants called flavonoids and a high proportion of vitamin C, which fortify the immune system, fight germs that enter the brain cells, and also eliminate bad cholesterol and toxins that can cause oxidative stress on the cells of the brain, which can trigger brain tumors.

Broccoli also contains a high amount of potassium and fibre, and this helps to reduce the amount of sugar that flows to the brain while also lowering blood pressure, because high blood sugar and blood pressure can affect the brain, damage its blood vessels, cause them to bleed, and consequently cause strokes and other brain-related issues.

In addition, broccoli is home to a chemical compound called glucosinolates, which when digested in the intestines forms a powerful and friendly chemical called isothiocyanate, which prevents the brain from developing neurodegenerative ailments and also lowers the rate of oxidative reactions that can shut down the brain.


Content created and supplied by: Orkaa (via Opera



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