2 Things You Should Do If You Experience Menstrual Discharge – TrendyNewsReporters

2 Things You Should Do If You Experience Menstrual Discharge


According to Healthline“, Menstruation is the regular discharge of blood and mucosal tissue from the inner lining of the uterus through the lady part. The menstrual cycle is characterized by the rise and fall of hormones. Menstruation is triggered by falling progesterone. However, here are 2 things you should do if you experience menstrual discharge.

1. Reduce High Intake Of Sugar

Sugar can indeed cause heavy menstrual flow and worsen menstrual pain. If you consume more sweet things during your period, it will cause inflammation. “Excess sugar can result in inflammation because it can increase cramping and heavy flow. Your blood sugar fluctuates a lot when you are menstruating. If you consume more sweeteners during this phase, it adds fuel to fire. Your blood sugar level will rise and drop drastically. Additionally, sugar is inflammatory and can improve cramping and you surely do not want this to happen.

2. Avoid Too Much Alcohol

Alcohol can also make your period heavier or cause you to bleed more during menstruation. Since alcohol is both a blood thinner and because it increases estrogen levels, heavy drinking may lead to a heavier period.

Content created and supplied by: Tonybestie (via Opera



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