Some Lifestyle Changes That Can Lower Your Blood Pressure – TrendyNewsReporters

Some Lifestyle Changes That Can Lower Your Blood Pressure


According to WebMD, the following are the some of lifestyle changes that lower blood pressure:

Photo Credit: Medical Daily.

1. Limit Alcohol: Consuming an excessive amount of it may cause an increase in blood pressure. Consuming alcohol while taking medication for your hypertension may reduce the effectiveness of the medication. It is recommended that women limit themselves to no more than one drink per day. The answer for men is two. One drink is equal to one glass (or 12 ounces of beer), one glass (or 5 ounces of wine), or one and a half ounces (or 1.5 ounces) of 80-proof liquor.

2. Quit Smoking: It causes an increase in blood pressure and increases the risk of having a heart attack or a stroke. When you smoke, you damage the linings of your blood vessels, which can lead to various health problems. Because of this, it is more difficult for them to rest. In addition to this, smoking can reduce the effectiveness of certain medications that you take to treat your high blood pressure. Your physician should be able to offer you advice on how to give up smoking.

3. Keep an Eye on Your Caffeine Intake: It’s possible that caffeine won’t have much of an impact on your blood pressure if you consume it on a daily basis in the form of coffee, soda, or other caffeinated beverages. However, if you don’t consume much caffeine, even just one cup of coffee can trigger a momentary increase in your blood pressure. Talk to your healthcare provider about the appropriate limit for you.

4. Control Other Conditions: Collaborate with your primary care physician to ensure that any other health concerns you may have are under control. Many diabetics also struggle with hypertension, or high blood pressure. In many cases, it is also related with other medical diseases, such as excessive cholesterol, sleep apnea, and thyroid disorders. When you take care of your entire health, you’ll be better able to keep a handle on your blood pressure.

5. Reduce Your Stress: It is possible that this will have an effect on your blood pressure, particularly if you manage your stress by consuming a large quantity of unhealthy foods, smoking, or drinking. Find healthy techniques to deal with stress such as yoga, meditation, or even just taking some deep breaths. Take some time for yourself to unwind and engage in activities that bring you pleasure, such as tending a garden, listening to music, or hanging out with friends.

6. Get More Potassium: If you do not consume sufficient amounts of this nutrient, you should expect to have an increased risk of hypertension. Aim to consume 3,000 milligrammes to 3,500 milligrammes on a daily basis. What is the price of that? About 420 mg are contained in a medium-sized banana. You get more than 900 mg of fibre when you eat a cooked potato with the skin. Other foods that are packed in potassium include spinach, beans, tomatoes, oranges, yoghurt, and sweet potatoes. People who have specific medical conditions, such as kidney disease, or who take particular medications may need to exercise caution when consuming potassium. Therefore, before making any changes to your diet, consult your physician.

Thanks for reading.

Content created and supplied by: HealthyMe360 (via Opera

Limit Alcohol
Medical Daily


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