Various Causes of Back Pain On The Right Side and How to Deal With It – TrendyNewsReporters

Various Causes of Back Pain On The Right Side and How to Deal With It


According to Medical News Today – Right side back pain is a problem that many people suffer from. Sometimes, the pain is so unbearable that it interferes with daily activities. To anticipate this, get to know more about what causes right back pain and how to overcome it.

9 causes of right low back pain and how to deal with it

How to deal with right low back pain is based on the cause. Therefore, the first step you need to take is to recognise the things that can trigger this problem.

1. Kidney stones

Kidney stones are one of the causes of right side back pain.

Every human has two kidneys located on the left and right sides under the back ribs. If a kidney stone blocks the right side, you may feel pain on the right side of your back.

In general, the pain caused by kidney stones can be excruciating, especially when some of the stones move into the ureter (the tube that sends urine from the kidney to the bladder).

One way to treat kidney stones naturally is to consume 1.8-3.6 litres of water a day. The goal is to keep the urine thin and prevent the formation of kidney stones.

On the other hand, the right back pain medication that doctors can prescribe to relieve the symptoms of kidney stones are painkillers, such as ibuprofen to naproxen.

These types of drugs can help relieve low back pain caused by kidney stones.

2. Kidney infection (pyelonephritis)

Pyelonephritis is an infection of the kidneys that causes them to become larger and more permanently damaged. This disease can be life-threatening.

One of the symptoms of kidney infection is right-sided low back pain. Other accompanying complaints usually include fever up to 38.9oC, pain or burning when urinating, and cloudy and fishy-smelling urine.

To overcome the cause of this right back pain in women and men, the cause needs to be known first by the doctor.

If caused by E. Coli bacteria, patients with acute pyelonephritis can be treated with oral cephalosporin or trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (TMP/SMX) drugs for 14 days.

For severe cases of acute pyelonephritis, the doctor will need to administer antibiotic drugs via IV until the symptoms improve.

3. Inflammation of the appendix (appendicitis)

Appendicitis can be one of the reasons why the right side of the back hurts.

The pain experienced by the sufferer may increase over time.

Patients with appendicitis may also experience fever, nausea and vomiting, decreased appetite, diarrhoea, and difficulty passing stools.

If not detected and treated quickly, this inflammation can lead to rupture of the appendix and widespread infection that can be life-threatening.

To treat this cause of right-sided low back pain, doctors generally recommend a procedure to remove the affected appendix (appendectomy) from the inflammation.

If the appendix has not ruptured, an appendectomy procedure can prevent the appendix from rupturing or perforating and stem the infection from spreading to other parts of the body.

Before the surgery is performed, the doctor will administer antibiotics through an IV to treat the infection.

4. Muscle injury

Perhaps not many people know that right back pain in the front or back can be caused by a muscle injury.

Generally, muscle injuries can occur when you lift heavy objects, get hit, or fall.

The pain caused by a muscle injury usually occurs when the sufferer is doing activities or feeling the affected muscles.

How to treat right back pain due to muscle injury is to rest and not move the affected body part.

In most cases, pain in the muscle can also decrease on its own or can be relieved with painkillers to cold compresses.

5. Pinched nerve

Often experience pain in the right side of your waist? You need to be aware of a pinched nerve.

In most cases, back pain on the right side due to a pinched nerve occurs when the spine is injured.

The injury can press on the nerve until it is pinched, then cause pain that may last for a long time.

Other things that can cause pinched nerves are prolonged sitting, pregnancy, obesity, arthritis, and muscle tension.

If the pain is mild or moderate, how to treat right back pain caused by a pinched nerve can be done by taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

In addition, epidural steroid injections can be performed with the help of X-rays to direct the drug to the exact part of the pinched nerve.

6. Fire pox

For those of you who don’t know, shingles or chickenpox can actually cause the right side of your back to hurt.

This condition, also known as shingles, can cause pain accompanied by a hot sensation.

However, if shingles appears on the right side of the waist, it is not impossible to feel pain in that area.

In addition to pain, symptoms of right back pain due to chickenpox can include blister-shaped skin sores and sometimes itching.

Your doctor may prescribe the oral medication acyclovir to treat chickenpox. Other antiviral medications, such as famciclovir and valacyclovir, may also be prescribed.

However, keep in mind that antiviral medications are most effective if taken within 72 hours of the onset of the chickenpox rash.

7. Endometriosis

Meanwhile, one of the causes of right back pain in women is endometriosis.

This disease is characterised by the growth of uterine tissue outside the uterus, often in the ovaries and fallopian tubes.

If any tissue grows on the right ovary or fallopian tube, the surrounding organs and tissues can become irritated and result in pain or cramping, both in the front and side of the body.

Right hip pain due to endometriosis can be treated in the following ways.

Pain medications, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, ibuprofen, and naproxen, to relieve menstrual cramps.

Hormone therapy is sometimes effective in relieving or eliminating the pain caused by endometriosis.

Surgical procedures are performed on female patients who still want to have children.

8. Narrowing of the spinal space

Right back pain can be caused by narrowing of the vertebrae (spinal stenosis).

This narrowing puts pressure on the spinal cord, causing numbness and pain that can radiate to the lower back, buttocks and legs.

To treat right hip pain due to spinal stenosis, your doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs and steroid injections. Physical therapy may also be recommended by your doctor.

If the case is severe, the doctor may recommend a surgical procedure.

9. Pregnancy

Right hip pain is not always caused by disease. Sometimes, pregnancy can cause this condition.

Although annoying, right side hip pain during pregnancy is a common condition, especially during young pregnancy.

This back pain occurs because the ligaments in the body become softer and stretch to prepare for labour.

How to deal with right side back pain during pregnancy can be done with the following simple movements.

Start on all fours with your knees under your hips, hands under your shoulders, fingers facing forwards, and abdominal muscles raised to keep your back straight.

Next, pull in your abdominal muscles and lift your back up. Keep the head and buttocks relaxed. Do not let your elbows lock and move your back as far as you can comfortably.

Hold for a few seconds, then return to the original position (the back should always return to a straight position).

Perform slowly and rhythmically for 10 times.

If you experience any discomfort or your back pain gets worse, stop the above movements immediately.

Do not force yourself to keep your pregnancy and foetus healthy.

When to see a doctor?

Some causes of right side back pain can be dangerous if not treated immediately.

So, it is important to recognise the symptoms and get checked out as soon as possible, especially if the pain comes on suddenly.

Visit your nearest hospital if you experience any of the following symptoms.

Pelvic pain accompanied by high fever, chills, nausea or vomiting;

Blood (red or brown colour) in the urine;

Pelvic pain that persists.

If you are complaining of right-sided low back pain accompanied by the above symptoms, immediately consult a hospital for proper treatment.

Content created and supplied by: Trendyhealth (via Opera

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