5 Foods to Help You Stay Young and Lose Belly Fat – TrendyNewsReporters

5 Foods to Help You Stay Young and Lose Belly Fat


Overeating and ageing can cause belly fat to accumulate. This condition can be improved by eating 5 healthy belly fat-busting foods.

Some people may find that they have excess belly fat. This could be due to genetics or eating too many fatty foods.

Not only that, belly fat also sometimes appears due to aging so that some parts of the body accumulate more fat in certain parts. One of them is around the stomach.

Belly fat accumulation not only disturbs the appearance, but can also cause serious health problems.

Fat accumulation can lead to an increased risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease.

Avoiding these dangerous risks, as well as losing belly fat, requires the consumption of healthy foods with the right nutrients.

Here are five healthy foods that can eliminate belly fat and keep you young as summarised from Medical News Today:

1. Strawberries

Strawberries are one of the fruits that are effective in eliminating belly fat. This sweet and sour fruit can add flavour to some foods.

According to Taub-dix, a nutritionist, strawberries are one of the best sources of Vitamin C. One serving of strawberries, or about 8 pieces, has the same vitamin as oranges.

This vitamin content is needed by the body to support the healthy aging process. Strawberries are also rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

Consumption of this fruit can fight the desire to eat sweet foods so that it will not exacerbate belly fat.

2. High-fibre vegetables

No less healthy than fruit, consumption of vegetables also has the benefit of reducing belly fat.

Vegetables that are high in fibre such as broccoli, cabbage and spinach will leave you feeling full so you can avoid excess calorie intake. No need to worry, these vegetables also have low calories.

Moreover, vegetables also contain antioxidants that are good for fighting inflammation, reducing the risk of diabetes and certain cancers.

3. Nuts

Maybe not many people like nuts. But this food contains many health benefits, especially for reducing belly fat and delaying aging.

Nuts provide many nutrients, including vegetable protein and fibre. They can also control the natural aging process by regulating blood sugar levels, while lowering cholesterol levels.

Nuts can be incorporated into your daily diet. They can be eaten as a snack or mixed with other ingredients.

4. Various Grains

If you want to lose belly fat and slow down aging, grains such as oats, quinoa, and brown rice are the best choices to consume.

Valdez, a nutritionist in New York, reveals that whole grains are high in fibre, which increases satiety while minimising calorie intake.

Compared to non-whole grains, whole grains contain more vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can slow down aging.

5. Lean Protein

Some lean proteins such as chicken and turkey have healthy benefits. Their consumption is highly recommended for dieters.

These lean proteins can be consumed because the benefits of satiety can prevent excess fat intake.

In addition, lean meat protein is also a source of iron and zinc which are responsible for various enzymes in the body.

As for slowing down aging, lean protein can be consumed because it is needed to make collagen which is used to elasticise the skin.

Content created and supplied by: Trendyhealth (via Opera

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