Lies About HIV You Should Unlearn – TrendyNewsReporters

Lies About HIV You Should Unlearn


According to Healthline, there are lots of misinformation surrounding HIV/AIDS and that is what I want to clear up in this article. Many people have been inculcated with different lies about what living with HIV/AIDS is and some of those lies that you need to unlearn include; 

. HIV is a death sentence.

Research has shown that with proper treatment, people with HIV can now live a normal life span. 

. You can tell if someone has HIV/AIDS by looking at them.

This is another lie that you need to unlearn because If an individual contracts HIV, the symptoms are largely unremarkable. A person living with an HIV infection might display symptoms that are similar to any other type of infection, such as a fever, fatigue, or general malaise. Additionally, the initial mild symptoms generally only last a few weeks. This will be very hard for you to know. 

. HIV-positive people can’t safely have children

Research has shown that if a woman takes her HIV medicine daily as proposed by a health expert throughout her entire pregnancy and continues giving the medicine to her baby for 4 to 6 weeks after birth, the risk of transmitting HIV to the baby can be as low as 1% or less. Everyone should take note of this. 

. HIV always leads to AIDS.

This is another lie many people have been made to believe. HIV is the infection that induces AIDS. But this doesn’t imply all HIV-positive individuals will develop AIDS. Research has shown that AIDS is prevented by early treatment of HIV infection.

Content created and supplied by: HealthArena (via Opera



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