15 Ways to Treat Back Pain at Home – TrendyNewsReporters

15 Ways to Treat Back Pain at Home


According to Healthline – Back pain is uncomfortable and can interfere with your daily activities. Generally, this condition is not something dangerous. How to treat back pain is also not difficult to do yourself at home.

Back pain symptoms

Before discussing how to treat back pain, it is better to understand the symptoms and causes first.

Back pain symptoms can come on suddenly or appear gradually. Sometimes, the pain appears after a certain event, such as bending down to pick something up.

The pain can be sharp, dull, achy, or spread to the pelvis. This lower back or side pain ranges from mild to severe.

In some cases, the pain can even make it difficult to walk, sleep, work, or perform other activities.

In addition, back pain often worsens when you assume certain positions.

Causes of low back pain

Low back pain generally occurs due to injury to the muscles or tendons in the back. It can also be triggered by certain conditions or diseases.

Here are some causes of low back pain that you need to be aware of.

Muscle strain or sprain, for example from lifting too heavy a load

Sitting for too long, especially if the sitting position is wrong

Fractures due to accidents or falls

Pinched nerve due to protrusion of the spinal cord (herniated nucleus pulposus)

Narrowing of the vertebrae (spinal stenosis)

Spinal curvature abnormalities resembling the letters S or C (scoliosis)

Inflammation of the spinal joints (arthritis)

Certain diseases, such as spinal tumours, kidney stones, abdominal aortic aneurysms, kidney infections, appendicitis, pancreatitis, myoma, and others.

In addition, you are more at risk of developing this condition if you are over 30 years old, have excess weight, rarely exercise, or work with heavy lifting.

15 How to treat back pain

Although it may go away on its own, back pain should be treated so that it does not interfere with your activities.

Here are some ways to treat back pain that can be done easily at home.

1. Physical activity

Exercise is not only good for your health, but it can make your muscles more flexible and reduce the risk of injury.

One way to treat back pain is to exercise for approximately 20-30 minutes. You can try aerobic exercise, flexibility, and strength training.

Exercise also needs to focus on the abdomen and back because both parts support the lower spine. This is one way to overcome low back pain that is effective.

Swimming is one of the effective physical activities for treating low back pain. The reason is that water sports are a type of physical activity that is low impact exercise.

In addition, as reported by the McMaster University page, Canada, yoga has been shown to be effective for treating chronic low back pain.

Routinely doing yoga can pave the way for the muscles of the waist to work more optimally, and help the body move to fulfil the capacity of its best range of motion.

2. Cold compresses and heating bags

A combination of cold compresses and heat packs can be an alternative to natural back pain remedies. Cold compresses can help reduce inflammation and pain in the back.

48 hours after applying the cold compress, you can place the heating pad on your back to relax your muscles, improve blood circulation, and reduce back pain.

In addition to warm compresses, a warm bath can help relieve nagging low back pain.

3. Keep moving

Lying in bed is not an effective way to get rid of low back pain.

You need to keep moving so that your muscles do not become stiff. However, you can lie down for a few hours if your back pain is particularly painful.

4. Stretch your hamstrings

Tight hamstrings can be the cause of back pain.

Therefore, stretching the hamstrings muscles can be done as a way to treat back pain.

However, stretch slowly so as not to increase the pain in the waist. Stretching the hamstrings muscles can be done at least once every two days.

5. Stand for a moment

A quick way to get rid of back pain can be done by standing for a moment.

This is because postures that slouch in a chair while working can increase the risk of back pain. You can stand up every 20 minutes and stretch your body.

Also, adjust your sitting position so that you don’t have to slouch when working in front of the computer.

6. Don’t smoke

Smoking contributes to increased osteoporosis which can trigger back pain.

Quitting smoking is one of the steps you can take as a way to overcome low back pain.

Although it may be difficult, there is nothing wrong with trying slowly. For example, when you want to smoke, try replacing it with brushing your teeth or chewing sugar-free gum.

7. Lose weight

Excess weight can put extra pressure on the spine, which can cause back pain.

Therefore, losing weight can help reduce the back pain you feel.

You can do a healthy diet and exercise to lose excess weight. However, make sure to do it properly and not overdo it.

8. Increase endorphins

Another way to cure back pain that you can try is to increase endorphins.

Endorphins are hormones that help block pain signals from travelling to the brain. You can increase endorphins through meditation, massage, exercise and sex.

Apart from reducing back pain, this hormone is also considered to help relieve anxiety, stress, and depression that you feel.

9. Do fun activities

The next way to relieve back pain is to do fun activities. This activity is considered to be able to improve mood and reduce pain.

You can do activities that you enjoy, such as socialising with friends, drinking hot tea or coffee, and so on.

10. Taking painkillers

Painkillers, such as ibuprofen, paracetamol, or naproxen, can also be helpful in treating mild acute back pain.

These types of back pain medications are able to inhibit the production of prostaglandins that cause pain and inflammation in the back area, thus speeding up the pain healing process.

11. Meditation

Chronic back pain is not only detrimental to your physical health, but also your mental health.

To address frustration, irritability, depression and other psychological aspects associated with chronic pain, you may be referred to a rehabilitation psychologist.

These specialists will generally recommend meditation, yoga, tai chi, or other relaxation methods as therapy for back pain.

12. Using a patch

How to treat left or right back pain can also be done by using a patch.

Reporting from the Medscape page, back pain is known to be relieved by attaching a pain-relieving patch to the part that hurts.

Patches are generally sold over the counter and contain pain-relieving ingredients, such as salicylates, counterirritants, and capsaicin.

13. Apply a pain-relieving cream

There are many pain relief creams that can be tried as a way to treat lower back pain.

However, look for creams that contain capsaicin, which is a component usually found in chillies.

A study proved that creams containing capsaicin are believed to be effective in treating osteoarthritis pain.

In addition, you can look for creams that contain menthol as a treatment for back pain. This is because the cold and cool feeling of menthol can temporarily relieve low back pain.

14. Changing shoes

The next way to deal with low back pain is to try changing your shoes.

Reporting from Medical News Today, sometimes shoes that don’t fit your feet can cause muscle tension in the waist, back, legs, and neck.

For example, wearing heels for too long is thought to damage body alignment and cause lower back pain.

In addition, wearing shoes that are too flat is considered to increase the burden on the feet and back.

If you are experiencing low back pain due to the type of shoes you are wearing, try consulting your doctor and ask for recommendations on shoes that do not cause low back pain.

15. Massaging the waist

You can massage your waist as a way to treat right or left back pain.

Massage can help relieve chronic back pain, especially when combined with exercise and stretching.

The combination can allegedly make people with this problem move more easily and feel less pain. However, make sure the massage is done by a skilled therapist and with the supervision of a doctor.

When to consult a doctor?

Back pain is usually harmless and can go away on its own if you do the various ways of dealing with back pain above.

However, you should visit a doctor immediately if you experience the following symptoms.

Loss of function to urinate or defecate;

Experiencing severe pain

Feeling a numb or tingling sensation in the thighs;

Difficulty walking or moving the thigh;

Unable to feel anything in the thigh.

If the pain is getting worse and there are no signs of recovery, you are also advised to consult a doctor to get the right treatment.

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