9 Foods With Low-glycemic Index That Won’t Spike Your Blood Sugar Levels – TrendyNewsReporters

9 Foods With Low-glycemic Index That Won’t Spike Your Blood Sugar Levels


The glycemic index (GI), according to a publication by Healthline, refers to a value used to measure how much specific foods increase blood sugar levels. To that end, foods are often classified as low, medium, or high glycemic foods and ranked on a scale of 0-100. According to Daisy Coyle of Healthline, the lower the glycemic index of foods you eat, the lower your chance of having your blood sugar levels spiked.

Photo credit: Pinterest.

The three glycemic index ratings are as follows:

1. Low: 55 or less;

2. Medium: 56–69;

3. High: 70 or above.

Foods with high content of refined carbs and sugar are digested more quickly and often have a high GI, while foods high in protein, fat, or fibre typically have a low GI. Foods that contain no carbohydrates are not assigned a GI and include meat, fish, poultry, nuts, seeds, herbs, spices, and oils. The glycemic index of a food can also be determined by ripeness, cooking method, type of sugar it contains, and amount of processing it has undergone.

Fortunately, there are many foods with low-glycemic index ratings that won’t cause a spike in your blood sugar levels when consumed. A few of such foods are examined below:

1. Oats

Oats are believed to have a glycemic index rating of 55. They are an incredibly healthy and highly feeling breakfast cereal option, with a high content of beta-glucan, a type of fibre with many health benefits, such as improved blood cholesterol, and a boost in the feeling of fullness, thus aiding weight loss. Steel-cut and rolled oats are considered the best types of oats to eat as they have the most favourable glycemic index score.

2. Milk

According to a publication by Medicalnewstoday, milk is an incredibly nutritious low glycemic index dairy product. The glycemic index (GI) score for skimmed milk is 37, while full-fat milk has a score of 39, and thanks to its high levels of calcium (an important mineral for bone health), drinking milk regularly may help reduce the progression of knee osteoarthritis in women. Whether you take it for breakfast or dinner or even add it to a smoothie, you can be sure of taking a drink that won’t spike your blood sugar levels.

3. Carrots

Carrots are one of the most popular fruits on the planet and it boasts of an impressive nutrient profile. However, apart from their impressive nutritional value, carrots have a glycemic index (GI) score of 39, making them a low-glycemic food. Carrots contain beta-carotene, an important nutrient for good eye health or vision. In addition, they are also a great source of antioxidants, which can help protect your body’s cells from oxidative damage.

4. Kidney beans

Kidney beans are an excellent plant-based source of protein, with equally high levels of many other important minerals, vitamins, fibres, and antioxidants. With a glycemic index (GI) score of 24, including kidney beans in your diet can do your body a world of good, including improving your heart health, lowering your risk for colon cancer, and helping to moderate your blood sugar levels.

5. Grapefruit

Grapefruit is an incredibly nutritious fruit. It is low in calories and provides a significant amount of fibre, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, and its intake has been found to help the body in many ways. These include boosting your immune system health, aiding weight loss, improving your heart health, and helping to prevent insulin resistance and diabetes. The latter health benefit is due to the low-glycemic index score of grapefruit, which is believed to be 25.

6. Pears

Pears are another incredibly healthy and nutritious fruit. According to a publication by Healthline, pears are a powerhouse fruit, with a high content of fibre, vitamins, and beneficial plant compounds. The array of nutrients in them helps fight inflammation, promote gut and heart health, aid weight loss, and protect against certain diseases. Their GI score is 38, but it is highly recommended you eat the peels of your pears, as they harbour most of the nutrients generally found in pears.

7. Apples

With a glycemic index (GI) score of 39, apples are yet another low-glycemic index food you can eat without fears about spikes in your blood sugar levels. Eating it alongside the peels is believed to help supply you with nearly 20% of your daily fibre requirement. It is also rich in a soluble fibre called pectin, which has been linked to many health benefits, including better regulation of blood sugar and improved digestive health.

8. Strawberries

Strawberries, just like many other berries are not only tasty but are also incredibly nutritious. Such is their impressive nutrient profile that a cup of strawberries has more vitamin C than an orange. In addition to their incredibly high levels of vitamin C, strawberries are also rich in fibre and antioxidants. What’s more, their glycemic index (GI) score is 41, making them one of the best low-glycemic index foods you can eat.

9. Grapes

Despite having a score of 53 as their glycemic index (GI) score, grapes are one of the best fruits you can consume, especially if you are watching your blood sugar levels. Apart from their low glycemic index score, grapes are also rich in many vital nutrients, including vitamin B-6, which supports brain function and mood hormones. Grapes can also help boost your immune system, prevent cancer, lower your blood pressure, protect you against heart disease, and improve your bone health.

Content created and supplied by: Jakeson (via Opera

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