8 Causes of Itchy Ears and How to Fix It Right – TrendyNewsReporters

8 Causes of Itchy Ears and How to Fix It Right


There are many causes of itchy ears that can occur. This condition often makes sufferers feel uncomfortable so they often scratch them. Over time, the ear can become irritated because it continues to be scratched.

Itchy ears are usually considered a normal thing. However, that doesn’t mean you should underestimate it, especially if this condition occurs frequently.

Causes of itchy ears

Ears are full of sensitive nerves. When a disturbance occurs, certain reactions such as itching may appear.

Here are some possible causes of itchy ears that you can experience, according to Healthline.

1. Dry skin

Dry skin is one of the reasons why ears often itch.

The ear produces oil and wax to keep it clean and healthy. When the ear is unable to produce enough wax, the ear skin can become dry.

This condition can cause your ears to feel itchy and irritated. You may even notice flakes of dry, flaky skin around the ear.

2. Ear infection

Another cause of itchy right or left ear is an infection or a sign that an infection is developing.

Ear infections are usually caused by bacteria or viruses along with a cold, water trapped in the ear, or a build-up of faecal matter.

Infections can cause itchy and watery ears, pain, redness, and swelling. This condition may also be accompanied by other symptoms, such as fever, lethargy, and lack of appetite.

3. Earwax build-up

Earwax is produced to protect the inner ear from infection.

Naturally, the wax moves out of the ear carrying dead skin cells and debris which then dries out.

Unfortunately, earwax build-up can cause itchy ears and even affect your hearing.

This condition generally occurs due to the habit of inserting something into the ear canal, such as a finger, cotton swab or cotton bud, pushing the earwax further in.

4. Ear canal dermatitis

Many people wonder what itchy ears are a sign of. This condition can signal ear canal dermatitis.

Ear canal dermatitis occurs when the skin in and around the ear canal becomes inflamed.

This condition can be caused by an allergic reaction to certain products or the use of certain accessories.

As a result, the ear can feel itchy and reddish, and may even interfere with the sufferer’s daily activities.

5. Use of hearing aids or earphones

Ears can also feel itchy due to the use of hearing aids or earphones.

Both can cause water to be trapped in the ear or trigger an allergic reaction to the device itself.

Not only that, ill-fitting hearing aids or earphones can also put pressure on certain areas of the ear, causing itchy and painful ears.

6. Food allergy

Does your itchy ear occur after eating certain foods?

If so, you could be experiencing a food allergy. The types of food allergies that usually occur are nut, dairy, fish, shellfish, wheat or soya allergies.

Apart from the ears, the itching can spread to other parts of the face. In severe cases, the itching is also accompanied by shortness of breath.

7. Allergic Rhinitis

Next, the cause of left or right ear itching is allergic rhinitis.

This condition occurs when a person shows an allergic reaction to particles in the air, such as pollen, mites, dust, or animal dander.

Allergic rhinitis can cause itchy ears, eyes and throat. In addition, sufferers can experience watery eyes, headaches, runny nose, sneezing, and coughing.

8. Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a skin inflammation that can occur on any part of the body, including the ears. This condition can cause itchy, reddish, scaly, and flaky ear skin.

Psoriasis is more common on the knees, elbows, scalp and lower back.

Content created and supplied by: Trendyhealth (via Opera

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