4 Ways To Prevent Heartburn And Acid Reflux After Eating At Night. – TrendyNewsReporters

4 Ways To Prevent Heartburn And Acid Reflux After Eating At Night.


Heartburn, acid reflux, and GERD: What's the difference?

People who suffer from nighttime heartburn may find it uncomfortable and disruptive to their sleep, research shows that nighttime heartburn affects nearly four out of five of heartburn sufferers. Consuming specific meals, eating too close to bedtime, and taking certain prescription medications are all common causes of nighttime heartburn. Nighttime heartburn or increasing heartburn symptoms may indicate gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). According to Healthline and Medical news today, here 4 ways to prevent heartburn and acid reflux after eating at night.

1. Avoid foods that make you experience heartburn.

Everybody has different foods that give them heartburn. Alcohol, caffeinated beverages like colas, coffee, and tea, chocolate and cocoa, peppermint, garlic, onions, milk, fatty, spicy, greasy, or fried dishes, and acidic foods like citrus or tomato products are common foods and beverages that might aggravate heartburn and keep you up at night. Keep a meal journal to help you keep track of the things that may make you have heartburn.

2. Relax when you eat .

When you eat quickly while under stress, your stomach may release more stomach acids. After your dinner, unwind as well, but don’t lie down. Some experts advise trying relaxing methods like meditation or deep breathing.

3. Start eating meals earlier.

People suffering from acid reflux are frequently advised by doctors to avoid eating three hours before going to bed. Because lying horizontally after a meal makes digestion more difficult, it may aggravate GERD symptoms.

One study found that eating late at night increased acid exposure when lying down by 5% when compared to eating earlier in the evening.

11 stomach-soothing steps for heartburn - Harvard Health

4. Limit your alcohol consumption.

Alcohol consumption may aggravate acid reflux and heartburn.

Increased alcohol consumption may be associated with worsening acid reflux symptoms. Alcohol exacerbates symptoms by raising stomach acid, relaxing the lower esophageal sphincter, and reducing the esophageal’s capacity to clear acid.

Content created and supplied by: uniquehaywhy (via Opera


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