10 Causes of Cold Feet and How to Properly Treat Them – TrendyNewsReporters

10 Causes of Cold Feet and How to Properly Treat Them


According to WebMD – Cold feet are a common condition. This problem usually arises due to cold temperatures, coupled with the condition of the feet that are not protected by thick clothing.

However, there are several other things that can cause cold feet. If it happens constantly or occurs for no apparent reason, it could be triggered by a certain disease or condition.

Causes of cold feet

Some causes of cold feet are temporary and harmless. However, others may indicate a more serious health condition.

This condition can also be accompanied by weakness or pain, sensitivity to cold, discolouration of the skin, and numbness or numbness in the feet.

Here are some possible causes of cold feet.

1. Cold temperature

When you are in a cold area, the blood vessels in your feet and hands constrict.

This reduces blood flow to both areas, causing cold feet and hands.

Over time, the amount of oxygen in the tissues or organs decreases, causing them to turn pale or bluish in colour.

However, when the air temperature increases and warms up, the feet and hands return to normal warmth.

If your body is exposed to cold temperatures for a long time, you may develop frostbite.

This condition, also known as frostbite, is an injury caused by exposure to excessive cold temperatures that causes freezing of the skin or underlying tissues.

Frostbite can cause coldness in the feet along with other symptoms, such as skin redness, numbness, and swelling.

2. Blood circulation problems

One of the most common causes of cold feet is blood circulation problems. People who have poor blood circulation often complain of cold feet.

The condition can be caused by various things, ranging from lack of active movement, sitting in a chair all day, smoking, and high cholesterol which causes reduced circulation to the feet resulting in cold feet.

3. Stress

Apparently, stress or anxiety can also be the reason why feet are often cold.

One of the body’s natural responses to stress or anxiety is to pump adrenaline into the bloodstream.

As it circulates, adrenaline causes peripheral blood vessels to constrict, reducing blood flow to the feet. As a result, the feet feel colder.

4. Anaemia

Anaemia is a condition where there are too few normal red blood cells in the body. It can be caused by a lack of iron, folate, and chronic kidney disease.

In moderate to severe cases of anaemia, this lack of blood can cause cold feet.

5. Diabetes

Diabetics are more at risk of cold feet. High blood sugar levels can cause narrowing of the arteries and reduced blood supply to the tissues, resulting in cold feet.

In some people, diabetes can also lead to diabetic peripheral neuropathy which is nerve damage.

Not only cold feet, other symptoms that may be felt by sufferers are tingling, prickling sensation, numbness, or burning pain in the legs and thighs.

6. Nerve disorders

Nerve disorders can also cause cold feet.

Nerve damage can result from trauma or injury and certain underlying medical conditions.

This condition may also be characterised by other symptoms, such as numbness and tingling in the feet.

7. Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is a condition where the thyroid hormone levels in the body are low, which can adversely affect the body’s metabolism.

Poor metabolism can affect circulation, heart rate and body temperature, which can lead to cold feet.

Not only that, people with hypothyroidism may also experience other symptoms such as weight gain, fatigue and memory problems.

8. Raynaud’s disease

Raynaud’s disease causes the blood vessels in the feet or hands to narrow, restricting or interfering with blood circulation.

This condition can lead to coldness or numbness of the fingers, toes, ears or nose. The phenomenon of Raynaud’s disease is triggered by cold temperatures and high emotional stress.

9. Atherosclerosis disease

Atherosclerosis is the narrowing of arteries due to plaque build-up.

This plaque build-up makes it difficult for blood to flow through the arteries, and can occur in any area of the body, including the legs.

This disease has the potential to cause a lack of blood and oxygen, resulting in cold and sweaty feet, fatigue, muscle weakness, or more.

10. Buerger’s disease

Buerger’s disease is a disease of inflammation and swelling of the blood vessels.

This disease is quite rare. However, if you smoke and your feet feel cold, this condition could be the reason.

Buerger’s disease can cause the blood vessels in the hands and feet to swell, slowing down blood flow.

As a result, blood clots form and lead to infection.

How to treat cold feet

If your cold feet are just a normal occurrence, you only need to perform home treatment.

Here’s how you can treat cold feet to get warm again.

1. Move

Moving is the easiest way to warm up the body and increase blood flow to the feet.

If you’re an office worker who is rarely active, take the time to walk around your desk to start moving.

2. Using socks

Keeping your feet covered is a good way to deal with cold feet to keep them warmer.

Use socks to keep your feet cosy and warm immediately.

3. Warm compress

Placing a warm compress on cold feet can make them warmer.

If you don’t have a compress towel, you can use a drinking bottle filled with warm water and place it on your feet.

4. Soak your feet in warm water

Soaking your feet in warm water is one way to deal with cold feet quickly to warm them up again.

Soak your feet for 10-15 minutes to improve blood circulation to the feet.

5. Stop smoking

The nicotine in cigarettes makes it harder for blood to reach the hands and feet. To solve this problem, try to quit smoking.

If the urge to smoke arises, you can do something else, such as drinking water or chewing sugar-free gum.

6. Eat healthy food

To combat cold feet due to poor blood circulation, try improving your food intake.

Eat more foods that contain iron, vitamin B12, and folate to improve blood circulation. For example, beef, green vegetables, and beans.

7. Relieve stress

Since stress can cause cold feet symptoms, you should make efforts to relieve stress.

For example, try meditation, yoga, going on holiday, or doing other enjoyable activities.

If your cold feet do not go away or are accompanied by other symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor for proper treatment.

To discuss more about the causes and ways to treat cold feet, ask your doctor immediately.

Content created and supplied by: Trendyhealth (via Opera

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