3 Fruits That People With Diabetes Should Eat In Moderate Amounts
It is true that the natural sugar in fruits may not harm people with diabetes. But note that the reason for this claim is that natural sugar contains little amounts of fractose and glucose. High amount of fractose can actually harm people with diabetes. This means that regularly consuming fruits that are very high in natural sugar is the same as consuming high amount of fractose, which can harm you. This article mentions three of those fruits, so that you can consume them in moderate amounts.
(Photo Credit: Healthline.)
1. Lychee. A bright red oval fruit, which comes from the soapberry family of plants may contain essential nutrients for your health. But it is very high in sugar. 190 grams of raw lychee pack 29 grams of sugar. If your are suffering from diabetes, then you should eat this fruit in moderate amount. (According To Healthline, On The 15th Of September, 2021, “Native to southeastern China, this tropical fruit is known for its unique taste and appearance. It is also relatively high in sugar, which may be an issue if you are on a low carb or low sugar diet.”)
(Photo Credit: Healthline.)
2. Date. The sugar content of date is very high that you should consult your doctor before you decide whether to eat it or not. Another worrisome thing about date, is that it is also high in carbohydrate that your body can convert into glucose. 160 grams of date contain 101 grams of sugar, and 120 grams of carbohydrate. (According To Healthline, On The 15th Of September, 2021, “Dates are known for their sweet, almost caramel-like flavor. Although they are rich in antioxidants and micronutrients like potassium, copper, and magnesium, they are also high in sugar and carbs.”)
(Photo Credit: Google.)
3. Mango. Mango is another fruit that you should eat in moderate amount, to avoid negative effects. 165 grams of this sweet fruit will provide 22.5 grams of sugar.
Content created and supplied by: Matthewcontents (via Opera
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