6 warning signs of Diabetes In Children Parents Should Never Ignore – TrendyNewsReporters

6 warning signs of Diabetes In Children Parents Should Never Ignore


There is a misconception that diabetes exclusively affects adults. This is untrue because more young individuals now have type 2 diabetes than ever before due to the rising obesity rates among children.

Due to the sluggish growth of the condition in young children, it is most challenging to recognize the symptoms or indicators of diabetes in these individuals. Symptoms are not likely to be seen in some youngsters.

The following are 6 warning signs of type 2 diabetes in children parent should be aware of according to Healthline:

1. Tiredness

One of the signs of type 2 diabetes in children is that the condition might cause them to rapidly weary due to changes in blood sugar levels. You should take your child to the doctor if you discover that they are napping more frequently.

2. Regular Urination

Toxins are removed from the body with the aid of urine. However, glucose and water are expelled in the urine when blood sugar levels are too high. Your child (children) may have diabetes if you find them more often.

3. Excessive water consumption

Everyone needs water, but growing children especially need it. While they play and work, kids should drink lots of water to stay hydrated.

However, if you observe that your child always drinks a lot of water, this could be a sign of diabetes.

4. Regular Overeating 

Diabetes prevents a person’s body from using food as an energy source.

Children with diabetes do not have enough insulin in their blood to sustain them throughout the day. Another justification for why they need to eat continually to survive.

5. Slow-healing sores

Type 2 diabetes may manifest as infections or sores that take a long time to cure or are resistant to treatment.

6. Darker skin tone

The armpits and neck are the most frequently affected areas of the skin when it comes to insulin resistance. If you see patches of darkened skin, your child may have type 2 diabetes.

Content created and supplied by: Knegus (via Opera


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