If Your Child Isn’t Learning at Robotics Summer Camp; They Are Missing Out – TrendyNewsReporters
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If Your Child Isn’t Learning at Robotics Summer Camp; They Are Missing Out


If Your Child Isn

Robotics is the conception, design, construction, and control of robots to assist humans in achieving a wide range of tasks. For us today, it has found its way into almost every aspect of living, and for our children in the future that is fast approaching – it will be indispensable. There are many more reasons why if your children are not getting acquainted with robotics, artificial intelligence, and coding, they should register for our Robotics Summer Training right away.


Children find it fun

Children are excited when they see non-human moving objects. If you have been near any, you would have observed their joy and obsession with certain toys. Robotics Africa multiplies this joy many times over by inviting them to our Robotics Summer Training. It is a perfect platform to engage their creativity to the full and help them interact with the world.


It is learning like no other

Children like fun, but they need learning, and very few things mix these two, like we do at Robotics Africa. To conceive of something, they want to build and then the creativity of imagining that they will not just have what they have made, but it will interact with them is fascinating.


Our Robotics Summer Training helps to sustain and enlarge their original dreams

The dreams of your children are nurtured by their everyday experiences. The richer these experiences, the healthier their dreams are. When children are not exposed to suitable environments to keep their dreams of becoming inventors, magicians, princesses, and astronauts, they can lose or exchange them for the ordinary. Engaging your child with robotics and artificial intelligence early will expand their imagination and empower them to sustain and build on their original dreams.


Learning Robotics is key to providing lasting solutions to endemic problems

Africa has been home to many issues and challenges that have defied enduring solutions, and Robotics opens up a new window of solutions. Register your children for our Robotics Summer Training to sharpen their creative, critical, and problem-solving skills, challenging them to create solutions to real-life problems and applications.


Established two years ago, Robotics Africa is the most extensive network to date of individuals, organizations and institutions engaged in the subject of robotics and robotics-related disciplines. Our world-class robotics training curriculum includes the internet of things, machine learning, automation, computer visions, artificial intelligence, and other disciplines in robotics. We have a well-equipped robotics laboratory and everything your child needs to join the next generation of robotics geniuses even without any background in science or technology.


Register your kids today at https://www.roboticsafrica.org/summer/ or call +234 803 947 1950 or +234 908 807 1682 for more information about our summer camp training.



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