How to use corn silk to cleanse your bladder and clear out infections – TrendyNewsReporters

How to use corn silk to cleanse your bladder and clear out infections


Natural fiber known as “corn silk” is harvested from maize plants. It’s an excellent treatment for cystitis, urethritis, and prostatitis, as well as other acute genito-urinary inflammation and irritation that affects the bladder, due to its calming, relaxing diuretic properties. The soothing properties of corn silk make it ideal for treating bladder inflammation and infection.

In this article, I will explain how to corn silk to cleanse your bladder and clear out infection.

According to Healthline, corn silk’s high potassium level makes it an effective diuretic for a wide variety of urinary issues given below.

1. Corn silk has been shown to reduce inflammation in the urinary tract and bladder, allowing for more regular urination and less back-up. If you’re having trouble passing urine due to a medical condition like prostate disease or if you have to urinate frequently due to bladder or urethral wall irritation, try using corn silk.

2. Chronic cystitis can be treated with corn silk, and it can be used as a helpful supplement to other therapies for acute cystitis.

3. Corn silk tea has been used by naturopaths for the treatment of Gonorrhea and other urinary tract catarrhal diseases.

How to use corn silk to cleanse your bladder and clear out infections.

Corn silk tea preparation is detailed below.

Maize or corn silk tea is made by steeping 2 cups of water and 2 tablespoons of dry corn silk in a saucepan. You should bring the mixture to a boil, then turn the heat down to a low setting. It will take another 10 minutes for the liquid to boil. Then, for the next 30 minutes, steep the tea at a low temperature. You can sweeten it with honey if you like. You can use a strainer to remove the tea leaves and then pour the infusion directly from the pot. Drinking one full glass of cup twice daily

Those who are interested in maximizing the health benefits of maize silk can use this technique.


1. fragments of dried corn silk

2. Water

3. Honey


With this method, you won’t even need to boil anything. Take a glass container, fill it with water, then seal it. The dried silk corn should be rehydrated by mixing it with water in a very big mixing bowl. Lock the jar and leave it exposed to the sun all day. After a long day, bring the jar inside and stir in some honey. Store in the fridge until ready to serve. Drinking one full glass of cup twice daily.

Content created and supplied by: Glorace2412 (via Opera


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