2 Foods You Should Consume To Lower Human Papillo Virus In The Body – TrendyNewsReporters

2 Foods You Should Consume To Lower Human Papillo Virus In The Body


According to Healthline“, The virus that causes HPV infection is transmitted through skin-to-skin contact. Most people get a genital HPV infection through direct erotic contact, comprising lady part, anal, and oral copulation. Because HPV is a skin-to-skin infection, intercourse isn’t required for transmission to occur. What you eat or drink can either keep your body healthy, eating a good diet is the right decision to choose. However, here are the foods you should consume to lower human papillomavirus from the body.

1. Folate vitamin

Folate is a vitamin commonly associated with cervical health. It primarily assists make and repairing DNA and producing red blood cells (RBCs). You typically get enough folate from your food, where it’s most commonly found in dark green leafy vegetables.

folate and vitamin B12 were found to play a critical role in lowering the risk of contracting a strain of HPV and an associated form of cervical precancer (cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, otherwise known as CIN).

2. Vitamin C

Vitamin C has a lot of crucial jobs in the body, but it’s probably the most well-known for assisting the immune system. A 2020 study that aimed to find if any vitamins can effectively lower the risk of HPV and associated cervical cancers concluded that vitamin C may reduce an existing HPV infection. It may also inhibit the development of CIN and cervical cancer.

Content created and supplied by: Tonybestie (via Opera



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