10 Highly Nutritious Bad Cholesterol Lowering Vegetables – TrendyNewsReporters

10 Highly Nutritious Bad Cholesterol Lowering Vegetables


Apart from taking statin drugs, certain vegetables are considered to be able to reduce high cholesterol levels in the blood (hypercholesterolemia). This is because these cholesterol-lowering vegetables contain soluble fibre, which is thought to reduce the absorption of cholesterol into the bloodstream.

Besides lowering cholesterol, these vegetables are also packed with nutrients that are good for overall health.

For more details, check out the list of vegetables for cholesterol sufferers below.

10 vegetables that lower bad cholesterol

Before knowing what vegetables can lower cholesterol, you need to know that cholesterol is divided into two types, namely good cholesterol (HDL) and bad cholesterol (LDL).

Good cholesterol is able to absorb cholesterol and bring it back into the liver, then remove it from the body.

Bad cholesterol, on the other hand, can build up on the walls of blood vessels and increase the risk of diseases such as heart attack and stroke.

According to Healthline – Here is a list of vegetables that can be consumed to combat bad cholesterol.

1. Carrots

Carrots are a vegetable that people with high cholesterol can eat.  

This orange vegetable contains fibre (cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin) which is considered to improve the absorption of cholesterol from the gastrointestinal tract and reduce its levels from the blood.

2. Peas

Researchers from Canada conducted a study on peas and looked at their association with lowering cholesterol levels.

The study involved 1,000 respondents and revealed that peas can lower LDL cholesterol levels by 5 per cent.

3. Potatoes

Potatoes are known as a rice substitute that is rich in soluble fibre. One medium-sized potato is estimated to contain 5 grams of soluble fibre.

If you want to experience the soluble fibre benefits of this cholesterol-lowering vegetable, eat it with the skin on.

4. Radish

Radish is a vegetable in the same family as carrots. Each half-cup serving contains about 3 grams of fibre.

The fibre content of radish is not only considered to be able to reduce cholesterol levels, but also reduce the risk of blood sugar and high blood pressure (hypertension).

5. String beans

String beans are also a fibre-rich vegetable. About 150 grams of broad beans are estimated to contain 2.6 grams of fibre.

In addition, this good food for cholesterol is also low in fat and calories.

6. Eggplant

In an animal study, 10 millilitres (ml) of aubergine juice was shown to lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglyceride levels.

This is not surprising as one cup of eggplant (94 grams) contains 2.4 grams of fibre.

However, further human studies are needed to prove the effectiveness of aubergine in lowering cholesterol.

7. Okra

Okra is a vegetable that is known to contain a lot of fibre. In every 100 grams serving, it contains about 3.2 grams of fibre.

Therefore, okra is considered a vegetable that can be used as a natural remedy for high cholesterol.

8. Spinach

Green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, are also good for people with cholesterol.

The reason is, the benefits of spinach for cholesterol come from its abundant fibre content.

Each cup of spinach contains 6 grams of fibre, which is said to be able to reduce bad cholesterol levels in the blood.

So, there is nothing wrong if cholesterol sufferers consume this vegetable.

9. Kale

Kale is a cholesterol-lowering vegetable similar to spinach.

Both are green leafy vegetables that are suitable for inclusion in the diet of people with high cholesterol.

Kale contains lutein and carotenoids that are predicted to reduce bad cholesterol levels. In addition, lutein is believed to prevent cholesterol from binding to artery walls.

Indeed, green leafy vegetables have the ability to bind bile acids and make the body excrete more cholesterol.

10. Garlic

A review published in The Journal of Nutrition in 2016 revealed that garlic has the potential to reduce total cholesterol by 30 milligrams (mg) per decilitre.

To know the cholesterol level in your blood, you need to do a blood test or medical check-up.

Thus, you are expected to be more careful in choosing the food to be consumed.

Not limited to bad cholesterol-lowering vegetables, you are also advised to live a healthy lifestyle, such as exercising regularly and getting enough rest, so that cholesterol can be lowered.

Content created and supplied by: Trendyhealth (via Opera

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