Common Habits That Can Cause Your Blood Pressure To Rise In The Morning – TrendyNewsReporters

Common Habits That Can Cause Your Blood Pressure To Rise In The Morning


A condition known as morning hypertension occurs when the blood pressure becomes abnormally high in the mornings. Human blood pressure tends to drop during the day, despite a natural rise in the morning. In this post, you will learn the four most prevalent causes of morning hypertension. Please continue reading till you reach the conclusion.

1. Drinking too much alcohol.

Consuming alcohol on a consistent basis is one of the most detrimental things you can do for your blood pressure. Drinking too much alcohol reduces levels of the hormone renin, which causes blood vessels to tighten and contributes to the morning hypertension that is so common among alcoholics.

2. Smoking too much.

Cigarettes contain harmful chemicals, one of which is nicotine. The chemical has been shown to raise both blood pressure and heart rate in scientific studies. When this occurs, hypertension first thing in the morning is a distinct possibility. It is recommended that you give up smoking for the sake of your health.

3. Lack of exercise.

When you don’t obtain the recommended amount of physical activity, you put yourself at a greater risk of getting high blood pressure. According to research from the MayoClinic, a lack of physical exercise is a major contributor to hypertension first thing in the morning. Since physical activity has numerous health benefits, it is recommended that everyone participate regularly.

4. Eating too much salty food.

People with high blood pressure should avoid eating foods high in salt. Those who have been diagnosed with hypertension are often told to stay away from high-sodium and high-saturated-fat diets because they might make hypertension symptoms worse.

Content created and supplied by: Sportbright (via Opera


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