Medical Conditions To Know About HIV – TrendyNewsReporters

Medical Conditions To Know About HIV


HIV is a deadly disease that currently does not have a cure. According to Healthline, it’s a virus that is contracted through unprotected sexual contact and it breaks down the immune system.

HIV-positive mothers can also transfer the virus to their babies through breastfeeding or pregnancy. When someone is diagnosed with HIV, the only way to live with it for a long time is to continue using immune-boosting drugs. This can be very expensive.

However, the person has to avoid sharing sharp objects with others. They also need to practice safe sexual contact to prevent other people from contracting it.

However, some people think that they can only contract HIV after one sexual encounter. People don’t contract HIV as easily as some people think. The rate of infection from unprotected sexual contact with an HIV-positive person is about 0.1 percent per act.

The way you’re exposed to the virus and the viral load of the HIV person will determine how you’ll be infected after just one encounter. There are different methods by which people can get infected.

They can get infected through pregnancy, sharp objects, sexual contact, and blood transfusion. The risk of being infected through blood transfusion and pregnancy has the highest rate.

Another factor that determines how fast you’re infected is how many unprotected sexual contacts you’ve had with an HIV-positive person. If you’ve been constantly exposed to infected objects, this can also increase your chances.

Someone can get infected with HIV just through one sexual encounter, but it’s very rare. Your risk of being infected through unprotected sexual contact increases the more you are exposed to it.

Running an HIV test is usually important for people who think they’ve been exposed to it. This will help you know your state of health. When you keep taking the drugs prescribed by your doctor, HIV is not a death sentence.

When your immune system becomes strong again, your body will be able to fight the virus and you will be able to live as long as other people.

Content created and supplied by: Temmyabbe (via Opera


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