Reason Why You Should Avoid Eating Sweet Foods Before Going To Bed – TrendyNewsReporters

Reason Why You Should Avoid Eating Sweet Foods Before Going To Bed


According to webMD, consuming excessive sweet foods before bed has a number of adverse effects on the body.

One of them is the risk of chronic inflammation which is linked to a number of health conditions such as heart disease, obesity, cancer, and diabetes.

“Sugar can cause inflammation in the tissues lining the mouth and throat, causing swelling and increasing mucus production. 

In addition, sugar-containing dishes can also keep people awake and cause hyperactivity when consumed before bed. Refined sugar raises blood sugar levels quickly, which can make it difficult to fall asleep.

Sugar consumption before bed can also affect a person’s weight. Excess sugar will be stored in fat cells, and if the consumption is excessive, it can cause fat cells to become larger.

When a person is asleep at night, the body does not burn sugar and it tends to lead to fat storage and weight gain.

People should avoid consuming sugar close to bedtime, at least 2-3 hours to allow for proper digestion.

Content created and supplied by: Melarh9 (via Opera


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